Friday, June 4, 2010

catching up on some blogs.

images by morgan
(my prac classroom)

The issue of advancing technology and the question of whether to include it all in the classroom, is difficult for me to respond to. Like alot of other people, I was fortunate enough to have a smartboard in my prac classroom. But did it add to learning? I am not quite sure. Of course, it was great fun to use, but was it purely novelty? I have been reading Liam's blog, and he asks:

"...are smart boards enhancing learning or detracting from? Are they drawing the classes’ attention away from the lesson at hand with loud noises, distracting behaviours and an incessant need to break the ‘keep your hands to yourself’ rule. Are smart boards the new class clown?"

These questions NEED to be asked. In my class, smartboards were definately distracting. I constantly needed to reinforce 'no hands on the smartboard screen or touching the smartboard pen" etc. It became frustrating. But then again, there were times where it was just so much fun, the kids loved it, and wanted to be involved. Do you think though, that in a few years, this novelty will wear out?

I'm not sure about bringing EVERY little bit of technology into our schools. I really don't think it is necessary to have Ipods, Ipads, and Iphones in the classroom! Seriously, there needs to be a balance. Maybe I'm just getting a little sick of all this technology!

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