Saturday, September 12, 2009

4th Teaching (or non-teaching) Day!

Tuesday 8th September:

Well I am absolutely exhausted from trying to manage my crazy Year One class today. My CT was sick today, and everything was so disorganised! At morning lines I was the only one responsible for the class, and had parents coming up to me asking where my CT teacher was, who I was and what was I doing! Since they hadn't arranged anyone to be a substitute, I had to take the class up to the classroom by myself and read them a story until someone finally arrived 45minutes later!

And with all this - it was Photo Day! The children were absolutely wild and even the well behaved children were misbehaving. The substitute they did get didn't do much at all and had zero control over the class so I had to step in - I felt horrible being so stern with them all day, but they were not listening or cooperating at all!

I realise some things I did that was wrong - such as focusing on poor behaviour rather than praising the select few who were exhibiting positive behaviour, and not tactfully ignoring minor misbehaviours. It actually was a good lesson for me, as I can see how much more crazy the children get when their teacher isn't present, and seeing firsthand how if you are not consistent with things as simple as not allowing children to proceed to their classroom without lining up properly, you have lost them and bad behaviour will run riot.

It was a tough day as I did not prepare for this situation at all, and I ended up not teaching. The other staff members were really supportive, and made me realise that you need to laugh about these types of things. It also helps to read other student teachers blogs (Kirsten) so you don't feel so alone, and you realise that everyone is in the same boat as you are! Hopefully my CT will be back tomorrow!

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