Sunday, April 18, 2010

Digital Video

'Digital Video Goes To School'
Hoffenberg, H., & Handler, M. (2001). Digital video goes to school. Learning & Leading with Technology, 29(2), 10-15.

Ok, to be honest, I just skimmed this article. But I picked up on some really great information and tips on how digital video promotes meaningful learning and examples of how to use it in the classroom. Here we go with some quotes:

"In the process of creating a video, students are practicing many of the following skills:
- the technical skills involved in making and editing a video
- visual literacy skills
- the higher-level thinking skills of analysing and synthesising the information they want to present as they come up with a point of focus their work and as they decide what details to include in their videos"

Some formats that digital video can take include:
- video newscasts
- documentaries
- infomercials
- video clips for websites or multimedia presentations

"Video is a natural fit when you want to capture:
- emotion
- heritage or culture
- memorable experiences
- change over time
- a process
- a phenomenon in nature"

Well, there it is. I think the idea of digital video in the classroom is quite amazing. I am constantly learning more about this medium through this course, and am excited to incorporate what I have learnt on my prac in two weeks! Keep the learning coming!

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