(scanned image)Pheewww!
What a week! I have just finished my first week of Prac at
Botany Public School on a darling little year 3 class. I had so much fun, but boy, it was hard work!
My co-operating teacher, Kim Briggs, is fantastic. So helpful and encouraging, she has let me find my feet in her classroom.
Wednesday was my first real teaching day, and since they are doing the COGS unit of 'Growth and Change', I decided to present a lesson on the skeletal system. It went really well, the children were engaged and enthusiastic about the activity
(naming bones, pretending we have no bones, making their own skeleton poster).Thursday, I presented an 'interactive tangram lesson' on their newly installed Smartboard. I first read a story
(Grandfather Tang's Story) which focused on Tangrams - which they loved! Then I explained what Tangrams were, their history and had this site up on the smartboard behind me:
http://pbskids.org/cyberchase/games/area/tangram.htmlThey loved getting up and having a go at 'rotating' and 'flipping' the shapes to make the different animals and objects.
Friday I presented a 'social maths' lesson, which basically allows the children to have 'free play' but with mathematic activities. I didn't explain things well in this lesson, so everyone was a bit confused. But I brought everyone back on the floor and re-explained everything, so everyone understood at the end. There were 4 'stations' of activities:
1) Interactive Tangrams
2) Ruler/Cube game
3) Geometric shape building
4) 3D Shape buildingThe essence of 'social maths' is for the teacher to allow children to discover mathematical concepts for themselves. I just walked around while they were playing and asked them open-ended questions about the games they were playing.
Overall, it was a great week. The school is so supportive of young teachers and prac students, so we are all made to feel welcome. Also, the school places emphasis on implementing technology, and I was so impressed to see that all teachers had MacBooks in their rooms, along with their own smartboards, and the library had about 30 large MacBooks. Really great resources!
Next week I plan to do lessons on:
- the circulatory system
- portraits in cubist style
(using Mr Picasso Head)- book review on Tohby Riddle's
'The Singing Hat' to encourage a more defined vocab
- more maths games
- a interactive science experiment (any ideas anyone! I have NO idea about science!)